Not only makers and hobbyists will find a low-threshold entry into the maker scene at Happylab. Start-ups and founders can also rely on our professional machinery, co-working space, technical expertise and a supportive community to realise their ideas.
On 7 June 2024, as part of ViennaUP - The Startup Festival, we will be giving insights into our 900 m2 innovation workshop in the middle of Vienna at the Maker Start-up Day and answering questions about prototyping & product development! Start-ups & founders - and anyone who might want to become one - are cordially invited!

The programme in detail:
MAKER START-UP NIGHT (Friday, 07 June 2024, from 19:00):
- Guided tour of the innovation workshop with local production options - from metal laser cutters and 3D printing processes to professional wood and metal processing
- Founders from the Happylab community talk about the development process of their innovative projects
- Registration is requested!
- PECHA KUCHA NIGHT (Friday, 07 June 2024, from 20:20): Make - fail - learn - repeat! As part of the Maker Start-Up Night, the "Pecha Kucha Night x Happylab Maker Start-ups" will take place in our lab. Makers, start-ups and founders will give personal insights into the realisation of their projects - including all the fails and highlights. The aim of this evening is to learn from your own mistakes and those of others while having fun, networking and exchanging ideas. Come and have a look!
The events are open to all interested (prospective) start-ups and founders! No prior knowledge is required.

Thanks to our professional machinery and the technical expertise of our team, product development, prototyping and small series production are all possible under one roof at Happylab. An integrated co-working space offers a workshop, community and office in a single location. Also interesting: group memberships for teams at discounted rates so that they can join forces to work on their own ideas.
Over the past few years, we have already helped many extraordinary ideas to become reality. Some of them will be at the Maker Start-up Day on 7 June 2024 to talk about their careers!