First Ceramics Workshop At Happylab

A ceramics workshop has long been on your - and our! - wish list for Happylab. After our self-built kiln delivered good results in test operation, our first ceramics workshop at Happylab is now on the agenda!

CERAMICS STUDIO: Handbuilding Essentials

Our new, three-day ceramics workshop is your chance to immerse yourself in the fascinating art of clay modeling! Whether you've always wanted to make your own, individual ceramics or are simply curious about how a lump of clay can be turned into beautiful and functional objects - this workshop offers you a practical introduction to the basics of hand modeling and ceramics production. The workshop will be held in English!

WHEN: 3 units, November 11th, 12th & December 3rd, 2024 (each from 5 pm to 8 pm)

WHERE: Happylab Vienna, Schönngasse 15 - 17, 1020 Vienna

COSTS: €150 per person (including course materials, clay materials & firing of up to two pieces)

More info & registration!

We're happy that we were able to win Zahra Mirza, interdisciplinary artist and lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, for the workshop! Zahra is a Happylab member and has been experimenting a lot with the kiln in our makerspace over the last few months. In the interview, she talks about her fascination with working with clay and reveals what you can expect in her workshop!

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in ceramics!

Zahra: I grew up in Lahore, Pakistan, where terracotta clay quietly shaped the world around me, from the red brick architecture to everyday objects like cooking pots and water coolers. Clay’s potential truly unfolded for me when I took my first ceramics class and discovered a passion for making. As I pursued sculpture, my connection to clay deepened; I embraced it as my primary medium for its versatility, accessibility, and ever-changing nature. 

Clay, with its fragility, resilience, and unpredictability, reflects life itself, teaching me patience, adaptability, and the art of letting go. Through working with clay, I continue to shape my world, while allowing it to shape me.

What is the best part about working with clay?

Zahra: The most compelling aspect of working with clay is the dynamic interplay between human and material agencies. It’s a constant negotiation; balancing what we want to create with what the clay is willing to become. This ongoing dialogue shapes the final form, as the clay pushes back, yields, and sometimes surprises us. Through this process, we are prompted to reflect on our relationship with materials and our role in creation.

What can participants expect from your ceramics workshop at Happylab?

Zahra: This workshop focuses on teaching basic ceramics skills while fostering a conversation with the clay, exploring its natural tendencies, limits, and possibilities. Participants will learn foundational hand-building techniques using store-bought clay and food safe commercial glazes, applicable to both sculptural and functional projects. We will also discuss primitive and eco-sensitive approaches, encouraging mindful creation. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will take home their own fired and glazed objects, along with essential skills and detailed handouts to support their future practice, making it suitable for complete beginners and those with prior experience as it enhances traditional techniques with alternative methods for all skill levels.