Happylab x A1 digital.campus: Recycling-Abenteuer

Rethinking and redesigning plastics: As part of the A1 digital.campus, young makers have the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of plastics and learn about recycling and the circular economy at the same time. During the 2-hour Happylab recycling rally workshop, participants immerse themselves in the diverse world of plastics. The pupils also learn how they can help to use plastic sensibly and keep it in cycles.


We have already collected plastics, but you are also welcome to collect plastics in advance and bring them to us clean and dry. PP - polypropylene would be best. It is labelled 05. This can be easily recycled and then melted down on site.the A1 digital.campus workshop takes place directly in our Happylab.

Duration: 120 minutes, free participation - registration required

Age: 5th to 8th grade