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In our machine trainings, we show you how you can use the machines at Happylab to realize your own projects. This includes correct preparation of the file, the workflow on the machine and safety instructions so you can start right away without any prior knowledge. For most of the machines at Happylab, you first have to complete the respective training before you can work on the machine.

Training courses take place every week at Happylab - for Happylab members these are free of charge. Alternatively, you can book private individual trainings with our lab managers or complete online tests in the Happylab Members Portal (access only for members!).

Next free machine trainings
Selbststudium & Online-Test→ zum Online-Test
CNC mill: 09.04.2025 19:00→ Register
Laser Cutter: 16.04.2025 19:00→ Register
Self study & Online-Test→ Online-Test
Self study & Online-Test→ Online-Test
Embroidery machine: n/a→ Register
Individual TrAining

At Happylab you also have the opportunity to book appointments for private machine trainings. An individual training takes about an hour and gives you the know-how you need to work on the machine. Cost: € 50 per appointment

ONLINE TEst & Self-study

Instead of face-to-face training, Happylab members can also take an online test in the members portal. Our tutorial videos and the Happylab Wiki serve as learning templates for self-study. Right now the online test is available for the laser cutter, cutting plotter & sewing machine/Overlock. The tests will be expanded to other machines!

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Consulting hour

You have an idea but no plan where to start? You've already attended a machine training, but are too afraid to work on the machine alone? In the last few years we've already helped realize many projects and product ideas and are happy to support you with our expertise on digital manufacturing technologies and rapid prototyping!

In a joint brainstorming session, we will address the following questions, among others:

→ Which machine is best suited for my project?

→ What do I have to pay attention to when choosing a material?

→ What are the next steps?

A consulting session with our lab managers takes about an hour and gives you a good overview of the steps you need to take to implement your project on our machines yourself. Cost: € 50 per hour

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guided tours

Curious about 3D printers, laser cutters, etc.? We are happy to guide you through our makerspace and give you an insight into our maker community. During a tour of our open workshop, we'll show you which machines you can use for your own projects and answer your questions about membership, technical details and specific project ideas.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm (excluding public holidays) there is a free guided tour through Happylab. Registration is necessary due to limited space! Duration: approx. 1 hour

Alternatively, you can arrange a free visit and take a look around our lab. Duration: approx. 30 minutes

Private Group tour (School classes, UNI & companies ETC.)

Upon request, we are happy to offer a private group tour through our makerspace for school classes, student groups or companies, during which we briefly present the high-tech machines, explain the potential of digital fabrication in more detail and provide insights into our maker community. Duration: approx. 1.5 hours

As a highlight, at the end of the tour, participants can look forward to a hands-on station where they can design their own keychain pendant and produce it directly on the laser cutter. Cost: € 6 per person (at least € 60).